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To say about Him is to thank Him..that too is an impossibility.

Until WHOSOEVER has appeared, Osho Sannidhi was just a farm with few dead buildings. Yes, then also Osho meditation camps were happening but there was no life in that! No Osho, no Sannidhi was there; the conceptual osho, mechanical techniques were there! He appeared like the Sun! And each one in Sannidhi started getting qualities of life.

He came and with His both hands and open arms liberally spread the seeds of true understanding, true love, true friendliness, true laughter.. in Osho Sannidhi not only to the human beings, but by making us aware of each plant and leaves, animal and birds which dwells therein.. He happened to be the true Gardner. His each word and each action when experimented, contemplated comes true, resulting in blessings.

He tremendously trusted even the doubts, escapes, angers to show what trust is. He abundantly loved even the dead ones to show what love in reality. He cared each moment to teach that one has been taken care always. He is a pure quality of being-seeing-knowing. The manifest of unmanifest.

‘I’ spoke to His body, He spoke to the ‘Real Me’. Habitually  I love to sleep but He is a wakefulness. I did everything to resist Him but He is unaffected like the Sun is not affected by Sun rises and Sun sets. I lived for knowledge; He is the destroyer of it.  I hanker for the security; He has been showing the beauty and reality of insecurity..He constantly brings back and encourages. His words, action never miss their purpose. He waits for the right condition to arise  and upon the appearance of such condition He is already there to guide and help.

It is the intelligence  of  The Master to call Himself a non-doer. It is His mother like kindness to call Himself a mere guide. In actuality  it is He who appears on His own accord and Himself does everything to take every available one on the path of Godliness. On the path it is He who creates all resistance to keep the path playful and energetic. He is always curious in each thing, each situation like a curious child..

Osho Sannidhi means ‘The Sanctum Sanctorum of The Blessed One’. Whosoever has brought true meaning to Osho Sannidhi .Behind each action, each word and each no-action that happens in Sannidhi, is filled with His guidance, love, caring,awareness and His blessings. Each one who directly or indirectly connected with Osho Sannidhi has been visibly and invisibly being taken care by Whosoever..

 Can anyone, ever succeeded in expressing the gratitude to the Master!?  It is just not impossible but  imagination too.  Any attempt made to express one’s gratitude towards the Master nourishes the disciple himself. Master is The very Thankfulness, the very energy behind it.
To know more about Whosoever visit   www.oshomysteryschool.com .